Rabu, 18 Juni 2008




Lots of young villagers abandoned their home village and move to big cities. One who graduated from universities feels that village is not the place where he can advance his knowledge, science and ability. The other considers that being villager will only become a farmer or a peasant who harvests his corps only two or three times a year while some others believe that being citizens will heighten their status, prestige and dignity. Above all, cities have dozens of attractions like amusements centers, sport stadiums, shopping malls, various kinds of jobs, and other facilities. Living in cities ones will earn more money than what they do in villages, therefore, cities are their target. Citizens who live in elite housing complex tend to be selfish and those who live ghettos or slum areas are easy to be provoked to make disturbances. The haves pollute the city with the emission of their cars, whereas the have-notes scatter garbage and dirty their residence because they are not accustomed to cleanliness and healthiness.

The question is who can stop urbanization whenever there is no balance of development programme on any sectors applied both in cities and villages. Then, this becomes the burden of local authority because stopping urbanization is violating the human rights. It is, f course, an unsolved problem, and return to home village is still a dream for a very few people.

  1. Answer the following question briefly

2. What make a lot of (young) villagers move to big cities?

3 3. 3. How is the condition in village?

4. 4. What makes big cities interesting?

5. 5.What are promised to the urbanities when they come to the big cities?

6. 6. Do they always get what they dream to after coming to big cities? Why?

7. 7. Why do you think a lot of urbanities are not successful in the big cities?

8. 8. What should a villager prepare before moving to big cities in order to survive?

9. 9.How can urbanization create problems? Explain your answer

10. 10. Why do citizen living in elite housing complex tend to be selfish?

a) complete these sentences with words which have the same root as the italic words!

1. Harry is studying science, but he doesn’t have a … mind

2. I smoked a lot when I was young, but now I can’t stand smell of …

3. Linda gave a nasty laugh. She often … like that

4. Hellen is a generous lady, but her … doesn’t extend to people she thinks are trying to take advantages of her.

5. This is one of my photographs of cats. I have … a lot of cat.

6. “What a noise the class are making”

“Yes, they are very …”

7. “So, Joe succeeded in passing his examination, didn’t he?”

“Yes. His … surprised me”

8. I believe in preventing disease because … is always better than cure.

9. If they agree to this proposal, we can prepare on for signature …

10. “Isn’t the sunset beautiful?”

“Yes, it’s … take my breath away”

Senin, 16 Juni 2008

task 3

Noun phrase

Read it carefully!

  1. Determiners: An, A, This, your, etc.
  2. Subjective: Opinion quality (Nice, dangerous, beautiful)
  3. Adjective with general meaning

a) Size (small, big)

b) Age (new, old)

c) Participle (carved)

d) Shape (rounded, triangle)

e) Color adjective (white, black, blue)

  1. Noun/ gerund/ related to noun

a) Proper/ made of… (Chinese, Japanese, America)

b) Material/ relate to / consist of… (Metal, leather)

  1. Purpose (jewel, sewing)
  2. Head / Noun (box, dog, machine)


Rearrange the words in the brackets to make a good noun phrase

1. Mount Merapi is (cone-shaped well-known a dangerous high volcanoes)

2. Lava is (sticky molten hot rock) which lies deep in the earth

3. Be careful! There is (long a coral dangerous reef) just few miles off the shore

4. I have never seen such (wide plantation neglected area)

5. Few miles downstream there is (old protected a mine gold)

6. This is really (Italian red a silk wonderful tie)

7. I don’t dare to enter (frightening cold deep this cave)

8. I love (quiet this tourist isolated spot)

9. Be careful with (liquefied that expensive gas petroleum)

We always talk about (eruption unforgettable the volcanic frightening

task 2

Musical instrument

There are thousands of kinds of musical instruments in the world, but all can be divided into three major divisions, i.e. stringed instruments, wind instrument and percussion instruments.

Stringed instruments are musical instruments which have strings to produce intended sounds. According to how to play them there are three types of stringed instruments, namely those which are played with a bow (penggesek), those which are played by pluicking (memetik) their strings, and those which are played by striking their strings with hammer or a mallet (pukul berkepala kayu). The violin is an example of the instruments played with a bow. The other two types are exemplified by the harp, and the dulcimer respectively.

Wind instruments fall into two categories, brass and woodwind instruments. Brass instrument a like the trumpet are made of brass and usually they have valves (kelep) which vibrate and produce sounds. Most woodwind instruments have tubes made of wood. The flute is an example of this type.

Percussion instruments are struck with fingers, hands, sticks, or wire brushes to [produce sounds. They can be divided into two groups: one group consist of the instruments which produce indefinite pitch. The percussion instruments with definite pitch, for example piano, produce different sounds when they are struck. Te sounds of the instruments with indefinite pith is always the same. An example of this type is the triangle.


1. how many musical instruments in the text? mention

2. wind instruments consist of....

3. stringed instruments consist of....

4. percussion instruments consist of....

5. how many instruments do you know? mention!

Rabu, 11 Juni 2008



Today, supermarkets are found in almost every large city in the world.A supermarket is different from other types of store in several ways. In supermarkets, items are placed on open shelves. The customers choose what they want and take them to the checkout counter. This means that fewer employees are required than in other stores.
In supermarkets, there is usually a display of small inexpensive items just in front of the checkout counter, candy, chocolate, magazines, paperbacks, and so on.
Most customers who goes to a supermarket buy from shopping list. They know exactly what they need to buy. They shop according to a plan. By the time the customer reaches the checkout counter, he or she is feeling pleased and relaxed because the task of shopping is finished. In this happy mood, the customer sees an attractive display on inexpensive goods that were not on the shopping list. Now the customer feels like buying something just for his or her own pleasure and enjoyment. Many customers buy from these displays of products near the checkout counter, and this is exactly what the owner of supermarket hopes they will do.

Another impact fact in helping a customer choose what to buy is where a product is placed on a shelf. A product that is placed at eye level on a shelf sells much better than one which is placed on lower or higher shelf. A product is which is easy to see sells best.
Large parking areas are provided, and many supermarkets stay open until very late at night.


Write true or false beside each sentence

1. A supermarket requires more employees than other kind of store

2. Customers only buy the thing they planned to buy.

3. Customers usually go to a supermarket knowing exactly what they want to buy.

4. The inexpensive thing displays on the checkout counter.

5. The items are places on the shelves.

6. The customers buy the product far from the checkout counter.

7. In a lower shelf are better products.

8. Many supermarkets stay open until very late.

9. A large parking area is not important.

10. Customers are not need a shopping list.